Together we create a green future

Waste manager.
Waste manager.

water consumption

water consumption

The pure biodiesel is an integral part of the ULTRA Diesel Bio Jet fuel, where it participates with 6 percent in the composition of the fuel and offers additional environmental and operational advantages. The fulfillment of the latest European and Macedonian diesel fuel quality standard MKS EN 590 allows the ULTRA Diesel Bio Jet fuel to be used unlimitedly in all vehicles whose manufacturers prescribe the strictest standards in terms of fuel quality.
Makpetrol has already started installing photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity at its sales facilities. In this way, through the creation of clean energy, we contribute to the preservation of the environment and reduction of pollution.
Commercial waste
The handling of commercial waste at the facilities of “Makpetrol” AD is carried out in such a way that the waste is selected according to type in separate containers that are marked with the appropriate color, in accordance with the legal regulations of R. N. Macedonia.
The handling of commercial waste at the facilities of “Makpetrol” AD is carried out in such a way that the waste is selected according to type in separate containers that are marked with the appropriate color, in accordance with the legal regulations of R. N. Macedonia.
The amount of generated/delivered waste is duly recorded in diaries for dealing with waste, prescribed by the legal regulation of R. N. Macedonia, and it is handed over to an authorized company for further processing.
Packaging waste
For the packaging waste of the products that Makpetrol AD puts on the market in R. N. Macedonia, the Company pays a fee to an authorized packaging waste management company, i.e. Makpetrol AD is included in a collective waste management system.
Waste oils
The waste oils that are product of the current operation and the Honda Center of Makpetrol AD, which are handled in accordance with the legal regulations of R. N. Macedonia, are recorded and handed over to an authorized company for further processing.
Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste resulting from the current operation of Makpetrol AD is appropriately collected and temporarily stored until it is taken over by an authorized company with which Makpetrol AD has concluded an agreement.
Electronic waste
The electronic waste of Makpetrol AD is handled in accordance with the legal regulations of R. N. Macedonia – it is recorded and handed over to an authorized company for further processing.
Batteries and accumulators released on the market in R. N. Macedonia
For the batteries and accumulators put on the market in R. N. Macedonia from the DELL Center and the HONDA Center of Makpetrol AD, the Company pays compensation to an authorized management company, i.e. Makpetrol AD is included in a collective waste management system.
In accordance with the legal regulation of R. N. Macedonia at the gas stations of Makpetrol AD: 001 Industriska, 002 Partizanska, 004 Kozle, 053 Lisiche, 153 Novo lisiche, 046 Gevgelija and in the Business Building in Skopje, special tubes have been placed for collecting waste batteries. Waste batteries are handed over to an authorized company for further management.
Electrical and electronic equipment released on the market in R. N. Macedonia
For the electrical and electronic equipment that Makpetrol AD puts on the market of R. N. Macedonia, the Company pays a fee to an authorized management company, i.e. Makpetrol AD is included in a collective waste management system.
Waste toner cartridges
Waste toners resulting from current operations at Makpetrol AD are taken over by an authorized company with which Makpetrol AD has a contract.
Scrap iron, brass and aluminum
Scrap iron, brass and aluminum resulting from the current operations of Makpetrol AD are properly collected and temporarily stored until they are taken over by an authorized company with which Makpetrol AD has a contract.
According to the requirements arising from the A-integrated environmental permit for the Installation for the production of Biodiesel, if the Installation is working, measurements of the limit values of air emissions from the outlet of the boilers are performed.
According to the Law and the Regulations for the control of emissions from volatile organic compounds when using gasoline, Makpetrol AD is compliant with the VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds Directive.