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Макпетрол АД – Скопје (Управна зграда)
Св. Кирил и Методиј 4, 1000 Скопје
+389 2 311 2144

Контакт за рекламации

Makpetrol AD, as a socially responsible company, continuously takes appropriate measures to deal with current environmental problems. This time, through the donation of urban greenery in the horticultural arrangement of a public park area in the city of Skopje – Square near Vero and the Fire brigade in the municipality of Karposh, Makpetrol AD contributes to the improvement of the conditions for urban living and the protection of the environment.

“For us at Makpetrol AD, sustainable development is not a matter of campaign activities within a certain period and satisfying someone’s requirements and principles, but the development of our internal culture of taking active responsibility for building a better world by the management and each of our employee.

We strive to spread that culture among external collaborators and in the wider community, because sustainable development is nothing but concern for the development of society as a whole, for the well-being of people and their families.

This time through the donation of urban greenery in the horticultural arrangement of the city, Makpetrol AD confirms its commitment to sustainable development and all of that through environmental protection”, said Goran Angelovski, director of the standardization, quality and ecology department at Makpetrol AD.

The newly planted urban greenery donated by Makpetrol AD provides direct environmental benefits for the city and the population – reduction of air pollution, reduction of the effect of “urban heat islands”, reduction of noise, in a word, improvement of conditions in the urban environment.

FOR A MORE BEAUTIFUL CITY – with this activity, Makpetrol AD, as a company with high criteria for the preservation and improvement of the environment, once again demonstrates its highly social responsibility and at the same time confirms its leadership through projects that take care of future generations.
