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Макпетрол АД – Скопје (Управна зграда)
Св. Кирил и Методиј 4, 1000 Скопје
+389 2 311 2144

Makpetrol AD Skopje, as a socially responsible company, donated 1,000 tablets to students in 20 primary schools across the country. The distribution of the donation was carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science, with the aim of reaching those who need them the most.

During this period, students and their families, facing the challenges imposed by this pandemic, had to adapt to the digital way of education, which is exactly why we as a company decided to facilitate that transition process.

Makpetrol AD Skopje wishes the students a successful school year with the hope that the discovery of new horizons even in these unpredictable times will fill their days with hope and desire for even greater knowledge.
