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Макпетрол АД – Скопје (Управна зграда)
Св. Кирил и Методиј 4, 1000 Скопје
+389 2 311 2144

Контакт за рекламации

to the holders of ordinary shares of Makpetrol AD Skopje

All holders of ordinary shares are notified that the Company, in accordance with Decision number 0201-38/2-2 of 30 May 2022, adopted at the XXVIth Annual Meeting of Shareholders, will pay a cash dividend in the gross amount of 3,000 MKD per share, with the cut-off date of the share book 21.6.2022.

Shareholders who have not submitted data for the transaction account, and for the purpose of dividend payment, are notified to submit the data to:

Makpetrol AD Skopje

ul. “Sv. Kiril I Metodij” br. 4,

1000 Skopje

with the indication “for the Department of Finance – for the Shareholder’s Book”,

or to the following e-mail addresses:




Shareholders – individuals are invited to update their data, including their residential address, in the Central Securities Depository. It will be used for the orderly delivery of the income tax calculation, which the dividend payment is subject to.

In addition, the shareholders – individuals who are not recorded in the records of the Public Revenue Office as taxpayers are advised to take appropriate measures for their registration according to PRO procedures.

All additional information can be obtained at the following phone numbers:

02/ 3146 – 484

02/ 3146 – 481


                                                                                                            Makpetrol AD Skopje